Welcome to the Escape Pods Dot Com.
This is a place where you will find podcasts which help me break the doldrums of the daily grind and get into things that interest me, and hopefully, you.
Currently we have the “Shooting The Breeze Sailing Podcast (STBSP)” and “Hootenanny Down the Hall Music Podcast”, both available under the Podcast listing section to the right side of the page, click there to find posts where you can download the Podcast Episodes.
I love Sailing on the Chesapeake Bay.
I love musicians and artists that inspire me and keep me entertained.
I love stories and all the media they come packaged in.
I love being interested in interesting things.
The Shooting the Breeze Sailing Podcast and Hootenanny Down the Hall are now available, go to the Podcast listings section to the right (or possibly below on Mobile), click on the appropriate title you are interested in listening to and find the posta, and follow the links located therein, you can stream or download the episodes.
The Friends and Family tab is for a future podcast I may develop.
Thanks so much
Jeffrey S. Wettig

I love Sailing on the Chesapeake Bay.
I love musicians and artists that inspire me and keep me entertained.
I love stories and all the media they come packaged in.
I love being interested in interesting things.
The Shooting the Breeze Sailing Podcast and Hootenanny Down the Hall are now available, go to the Podcast listings section to the right (or possibly below on Mobile), click on the appropriate title you are interested in listening to and find the posta, and follow the links located therein, you can stream or download the episodes.
The Friends and Family tab is for a future podcast I may develop.
Thanks so much
Jeffrey S. Wettig