David Ford Podcast Preview

by JeffreyWettig | June 13th, 2014



The first episode of the “Hootenanny Down The Hall” Podcast is still in the works. Unfortunately I just haven’t had time to really work on it with extra shifts at work, Mom visiting, and a well deserved vacation week coming up. I really hope to get it up by the end of June or early July. The David Ford concert was May 9th, so I don’t want it getting too far along afterwards.
For a quick taste of what’s to come, check out this video from the show, featuring David Ford and Jarrod Dickenson performing “I Don’t Care What You Call Me” after giving some love to Philadelphia.
So for now, enjoy the latest episodes of the Shooting The Breeze Sailing Podcast!
Thanks Ya’ll

David Ford and Jarrod Dickenson, WCL May, 9, 2014

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