by JeffreyWettig | February 27th, 2015
In this episode of the Shooting The Breeze Sailing Podcast, we catch up with Jack Kelly of Inflatable Marine Services, based in West Chester, Pa and outside of Ocean City, New Jersey. His main focus is sales and service of Inflatable boats, from dinghy’s and tenders, to full on Rescue boats and Sport boats. Lately, the market has turned strange, with many boats flooding the market, under numerous brands and badges, that have suspect quality control, coming out of China. There is intense pressure to compete with the lower end of the price range, which means that us consumers are left with the lower end of the quality range.

This market upheaval has left Jack with considering rehabbing old, smaller, sailboats as a complimentary line to his inflatable business. Having grown up sailing and being around boats of all kinds for many years, Jack has some stories to tell.
Please excuse the audio quality of this podcast, I am trying to incorporate Skype recording into my podcast interviews, and this time it just flat out didn’t work. I did have my recorder present off to the side to record the conversation, which it did, for approximately and hour and twenty five minutes, before the juice ran out, so you guys miss the last hour of our conversation, but what I have is pretty good, so check it out!
Stream the episode below, or right click to download HERE! Also find us on Itunes!
You can find Jack at