by JeffreyWettig | May 1st, 2015

Matt Rutherford sailing the Pacific in 2014 aboard a Harbor 29 to Japan, on a Micro Plastics Research trip.
Join us this week as we pull up a lawn chair next to a jack stand in a boat yard, in the shadow of the 42ft research sailing vessel Ault, home of Matt Rutherford and The Ocean Research Project, yearning to finish preparations and get back to the sea. Matt was kind enough to blow an hour or so on a Sunday afternoon and have a conversation about all of his endeavors, past, present, and future, big and small, from poking holes in his boat (on purpose), to sailing to the Arctic with Scientist and partner Nicole Trenholm this summer and next. Drones be damned, the research continues. Poorly funded and mission participants wishy washy as ever, never plan for anything but changing plans, The Ocean Research Project soldiers on.
Oh yeah, he’s also officially interested in participating in the 50th anniversary Golden Globe Solo, non-stop, sailing race around the world in 2018, if only he could find a sponsor willing to fund the endeavor and find the right ship to sail. Pony up anyone?
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Links for this episode,
Find Matt and his Ocean Research Project at, Donate some of your hard earned cash, maybe start a kickstarter or Gofundme to get him into the Golden Globe race, I’ll pitch in………
Find Marcus Asante and the Baltimore Area Marine Arts Institute at
Email Mr. Robert Williams about Dustless Blasting and Surface Preparation on the Upper Bay at
Find the Lancaster area Celtic/Irish Rock band The Ogham Stones, donator of our break music in the middle at or search for them on Facebook.