by JeffreyWettig | July 8th, 2015
Welcome to the thirtieth Episode of The Shooting The Breeze Sailing Podcast! This episode is a Hostful, with one Host, Mostly, retelling tales about a sailing vacation upon the Chesapeake Bay (going to Annapolis and back.. Not quite the high adventure I was hoping for, but a good time all said and done), cross podcasting with my Youtube Channel, and talking about my adventures at the Susquehanna Yacht Club racing on a Lightning class boat and interviewing part of the Lighting Team USA competing in this years Pan American Games, with SYC homegrown racer Danielle Prior! We also preview an upcoming edition of my other pod, The Hootenanny Down The Hall Music Podcast, by playing a track from a band we caught up with in Naptown, The Hunts. My co-host in life Nora joins me for a quick google session on International Class One Design Racing boats and a bit of her sailing history in the Annapolis area.
You can right click and download the episode HERE!
Find it on Itunes, or stream it below
A link to my examiner article about Lighting Team USA, HERE!
Local Susquehanna Valley Sailor Danielle Prior and her team race Lightning Class Sailboats, soon to be competing for the USA in the Pan American Games.