STBSP Ep. 44, Michael Facius from Good Old Boat Magazine!

by JeffreyWettig | February 10th, 2016

HPYC_WinterGreetings sailing fans! It’s a cold and snowy February, but we are Thinking Spring and boating season! All the important Groundhogs are predicting an early spring, if we can get beyond all these pesky snowstorms…… This episode was a great conversation with Michael Facius, publisher and ad man for the venerable Good Old Boat Magazine, a sailing rag catering to cruisers such as myself with good old boats. We chat about the history of the magazine, how he got involved with it, his sailing experiences, as well as all the fun things on offer through the magazine. You can find out all about it at or
You can find the episode on Itunes, just search for The Shooting The Breeze Sailing Podcast,
You can save THIS LINK,
or you can stream the episode below.

Links for this episode.
Winter sound effects from
Tom Wells Music
“Mainland” a cover of the Real Mckenzies as performed by The Ogham Stones.

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