by JeffreyWettig | August 6th, 2016

Julie (left) on an HPYC cruise last fall.
Welcome back to The Shooting The Breeze Sailing Podcast episode 53 featuring friend and HPYC member Julie Tipton who crewed on Eric Forsyth’s Westsail 42 this past spring. She tells us about the trip from Puerto Rico to Long Island, via Bermuda. She also tells us how she got into sailing, the womens learn to sail program she put together recently at the club, and her plans to get her captains license. Rock on Julie!
You can find The Shooting The Breeze Sailing Podcast on Itunes,
You can download Episode 53 of The Shooting The Breeze Sailing Podcast Here
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Intro Music by yours truly and Greg Young, available via The Incoherents. The Lean Years Volume 2, on Itunes.
Break music, “Mainland” by The Real Mckenzies, as performed by The Ogham Stones