by JeffreyWettig | August 27th, 2019

Hank Schmitt, founder and operator of Offshore Passage Opportunities.
Greetings folks! This episode we are speaking with Hank Schmitt from Offshore Sailing Opportunities over at They are the number one crew service finder programs in North America, with a flagship Swan Fleet you can pay to join or pay a yearly membership fee and get to sail on blue water boats with qualified skippers looking for crew for free. It is the easiest way to get involved with offshore passage making without having access to or owning your own boat. If you are a Skipper looking for crew it is a free service, just head over to the website or call 1-800-4Passage. New programs in Europe and elsewhere are in the works, in addition to the Swan program, The Narc Rally, which leaves out of Newport and The Chesapeake Bay and heads to the Islands every Fall, There is a trip available on a Swan to and from the Annapolis Sailboat Show, as well as many other exciting opportunities. Speaking of the Annapolis Sailboat Show, hank will be there mingling in the crowds, if you see him, hit him up for some more information!
I didn’t include anything in the episode about it, but Matt Rutherford is putting on a day long seminar during the boat show on everything from using Drogues and Sea Anchors, to Heavy Weather sailing and Singlehanding. More information should be over at Ocean Research Project. The classes are tax deductible, as they are a fundraiser to outfit their new 65ft steel research vessel.
Included in this episode is some fine music played on the Hances Point YC porch on Saturday night, by the likes of Robert Williams, Josh Taylor of the Hot Club of Reading, and his friend Mike, who I’m blanking on a last name for. The first is a snippet of “Walking Stick” complete with fake Kazoo solo’s, and a rendition of “I cant give you anything but love,” both Jazz Standards from way back in the day. That is some Fine Pickin!
You can download Episode 112 of The Shooting The Breeze Sailing Podcast Here
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Intro Music by yours truly and Greg Young, available via The Incoherents. The Lean Years Volume 2, on Itunes.
Break music, “Wild Winds of Misfortune” by Leo Disanto of The Vinegar Creek Constituency, and “The Wild Rover” as performed by The Ogham Stones
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