by JeffreyWettig | January 16th, 2020

Chris Smith, Scott Titus, Jeffrey Wettig, Joe Morgan, and Jim Garrett at the Ware River Yacht Club.
Greetings Sailors! This episode was a fun one to experience IRL. I was invited to the Ware River Yacht Club(WRYC) just outside of Gloucester, Virginia to receive a Major Award! Actually it is pretty humbling to receive the Wesley C. Mork Award, which is in recognition of contributions to sailing on the Chesapeake Bay. I’d like to thank Scott Titus, fan of the show, for nominating me, and the board there for approving it.
I was able to make the four and a half hour trek down from York, PA to Gloucester on the day of the awards, and was able to meet up with Scott, Chris Smith of the Bonnie Boat Sailing Podcast, who lives nearby, and Jim Garret and Joe Morgan, members of the club since they were kids. Later on we talk with John and Erin, who are newer members and new to sailing within the past 5 years, who came to the club to learn more about sailing and ended up staying, becoming one of the next generation of club members. The club was formed in 1971 as a racing club for small boats and had lived up to that ever since, hosting a junior racing program and various adult programs. Currently they are trying to grow an Albacore Fleet for Sunday racing, as well as increase awareness of the big sailing event they host every year, the Mulit-Class racing event The Virginia Governors Cup, held the beginning of August every year.
In addition to the racing series, they have three club keel boats available for the enjoyment of the members for cruising the local sailing grounds surrounding Mobjack Bay and an adult learning program where members take folks out for a “First Sail” trip, hoping to whet the appetite for sailing among those interested in learning more about sailing. The Club is situated on the picturesque Ware River, where members can enjoy a beautiful waterfront with large deck and clubhouse, shower facilities, and gear storage onsite. They also rent the place out for events and weddings, which take advantage of a great interior space and kitchen. Anyone in the Tidewater area looking for a cheap, fun way to experience sailing, should really check the place out, especially on any given Sunday afternoon.
You can download Episode 118 of The Shooting The Breeze Sailing Podcast Here
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Intro Music by yours truly and Greg Young, available via The Incoherents. The Lean Years Volume 2, on Itunes.
Break music, “Wild Winds of Misfortune” by Leo Disanto of The Vinegar Creek Constituency, and “The Wild Rover” as performed by The Ogham Stones
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