by JeffreyWettig | March 21st, 2020

Teresa and Ben from Morse Alpha.
Greetings Podcast Fans! Welcome to Episode 122 of The Shooting The Breeze Sailing Podcast(STBSP). I hope you are all weathering our new reality thanks to the spread of CoVid-19, and we are all #sociallydistancing, self isolating, and are well and good. I recorded this intro from our porch at Frenchmans Cove in USVI on Saturday, March 21st. This is our delayed Honeymoon and we are enjoying it as much as we can during this strange new reality. I got some sailing in on the VI-Cat, during a dinner cruise the other evening, which was great fun, although other sailing plans never materialized, and I could not find any sailing opportunities within our budget and time constraints. Did get to snorkel with a sea turtle, so that’s one bucket list item checked off! We fly back tomorrow and I have to report to work on Monday night, as our operations have closed, but I’m considered essential personnel and have to be there. I sincerely hope this all works out for everyone, but I think it may be a very tough road ahead.

My view from our room at Frenchmans Cove, USVI.
This episode we speak with Ben and Teresa Carey from Morse Alpha Expeditions, a sail training/adventure cruise operation that’s been around since 2015. Ben and Teresa cruised together, separately on their own boats for years, before buying their Norseman 447, Rocinante and delivering it back to the US from Panama. New Videos from this time can be found on their Youtube Channnel.
Both have worked for years as professional Mariners, as deck hands, mates, and captains, on everything from sailing boats, to Lobster boats, and Tugboats. They have had their hands in many sailing and non sailing related media for a long time and wear many hats running various websites, blogs, and projects. It was a great chat and I thank them for sitting with me in their apartment in Eastport/Annapolis before they move out and head to Main to start the Season.
Just days after sitting for the interview, I found out that Chris Smith from the Bonnie Boat Sailing Podcast had just released a new episode, also with Ben and Teresa, so it’s a Morse Alpha March in the Sailing Podcast world.
You can download Episode 122 of The Shooting The Breeze Sailing Podcast Here
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Intro Music by yours truly and Greg Young, available via The Incoherents. The Lean Years Volume 2, on Itunes.
Break music, “Wild Winds of Misfortune” by Leo Disanto of The Vinegar Creek Constituency, and “The Wild Rover” as performed by The Ogham Stones
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