by JeffreyWettig | May 9th, 2020

Steve and Karen Haver on the second year of Cruising the Islands aboard S/V Soul Shine.
Greetings Sailors! This episode (124) of The Shooting The Breeze Sailing Podcast (STBSP) we chat with Karen and Steve Haver aboard S/V SoulShine on Coronavirus Lockdown at anchor in Dominica! They made the decision to stay put way back in March when things started getting crazy and have been there ever since. A hospitable local population, plenty of food and supplies, and proactive government all made Dominica a good choice for them to ride out the proverbial storm. We’ve chatted with them a few times before, they took off two years ago on a Bahama’s cruise, spent last summer in the Chesapeake, and this year have gone down island, stopping at every Rum bar in between! Plans are for them to head south before Hurricane season once things ease up a bit. You can follow along at Days Unfurling over on Facebook and Instagram.
I also chat about finding a new podcast about the outdoors from @rangertedla called Wonder Outside, (I May have referred to it as Wonder Outdoors in the Episode, Sorry!) as well as Watching Samantha Brown sailing in the BVI on her latest PBS show Places to Love. I do rant a bit about Trusting your Vessel based on a messenger conversation I had with a fan that was losing trust in her production boat to be able to handle the voyaging they were planning in the near future.
You can download Episode 124 of The Shooting The Breeze Sailing Podcast Here
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Intro Music by yours truly and Greg Young, available via The Incoherents. The Lean Years Volume 2, on Itunes.
Break music, “Wild Winds of Misfortune” by Leo Disanto of The Vinegar Creek Constituency, and “The Wild Rover” as performed by The Ogham Stones
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