by JeffreyWettig | January 12th, 2021

Barry Walton, an Emmy Award winning Film Maker, has released “Reaching Reality – A story of a really cool adventure, and the discovery of a dream,” a 5 part Docuseries on Youtube from Endless Media that chronicles a Sailing trip in search of Surf spots along the west coast, shot in 2006 aboard a 24ft sailboat. Three friends seeking out adventure, enduring Pacific ocean swells, cold, rain, emotional struggles, all in search of a cool adventure and realization of a dream.
I latched on to this series right off the bat, reminiscing about how I got started in sailing, taking a trip in 2002, in a small boat, with two friends, with camcorder in hand. I found that video in a stack of DV tapes a few years ago, so when Barry retrieves a box of DV tapes in the beginning of the series, I felt like I was going back in time during my own sailing history. The trip documented in this series could very easily been my own.

Great wildlife experiences, awesome landscapes, sailing, surfing, coming to terms with dreams vs. reality, and a voyage to remember, this series is definitely one of my favorites.
You can find the episode in Podcast apps, stream it below,
or Download The Shooting The Breeze Sailing Podcast, episode 135 by right clicking on this link.
0:05:00 – Intro
0:15:00 – Podcast starts
0:20:00 – Origin
0:30:00 – Marina del Ray
0:38:00 – Point Rays
0:52:06 – Leaving in February and Dan the masochist
0:55:00 – The accidental jibe
1:04:00 – Ian Cairns and the Golden Aussies
1:08:00 – Dream vs. Reality of the trip
1:09:00 – Isla Todos Santos and the Whale
1:15:00 – going deep into Baja, Mex
1:21:00 – shark hunters and fishing villages in Baja
1:27:00 – transition back to society and Rhino (the boat)
1:36:00 – how did it impact Dan and Dennis
1:40:00 – Living on a sailboat ~ marina del Ray
1:43:00 – Favorite documentaries. (Chasing Bubbles)
1:48:00 – Niagara Falls a Barrel
1:50:00 – Elana Circumnavigating
1:53:00 – Top 5 sailing docs
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Intro Music by yours truly and Greg Young, of The Incoherents, a band I managed in college. The song is called Never Tell and is available via email. Find the other songs they did at The Incoherents. The Lean Years Volume 2, on Itunes.
Break music, “Wild Winds of Misfortune” by Leo Disanto of The Vinegar Creek Constituency, and “The Wild Rover” as performed by The Ogham Stones
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