by JeffreyWettig | October 31st, 2021

Greetings Sailing Podcast fans! This episode is part one of two for our 2021 Annapolis Sailboat Show coverage, featuring a long and windy intro and a few interviews from the show. The Breakdown is as follows.
Introduction – 1:00
John Herlig from Seabird Sailing Podcast – 39:39
John Herlig, representing The Boat Galley – 49:24
Peter Gibbons-Neff, US Patriot Sailing/Fawcetts/PGN Racing – 53:04
David and Karl representing Yanmar Marine – 57:50
Capt Bob Bitchin, Lattitudes and Attitudes Magazine – 1:03:39
Lia Jaros, Maritime Trades Association of Maryland – 1:08:55

In the Introduction I speak about attending the ceremony held at Seafarers YC for the associated Sea Scout Ship 1959 “Committment” on their being named top national Sea Scout Ship for 2021, an award given out since the 1920’s, and never before won by a Sea Scout Ship in Maryland, and only in their third year of operations! Big Ups to the ship, the kids, the parents, the Seafarers YC and Foundation, and most importantly, former guest and friend of the Show Skipper Derrick Cogburn, who was inspired to start the ship after attending Adult Scouting Wood Badge training in 2017 or thereabouts.
You can find the episode in Podcast apps, stream it below,
or Download The Shooting The Breeze Sailing Podcast, episode 147 by right clicking on this link.
Intro Music by yours truly and Greg Young, of The Incoherents, a band I managed in college. The song is called Never Tell and is available via email. Find the other songs they did at The Incoherents. The Lean Years Volume 2, on Itunes.
Break music, “Wild Winds of Misfortune” by Leo Disanto of The Vinegar Creek Constituency, and “The Wild Rover” as performed by The Ogham Stones
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